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The Real Ghost Stories

The Tunnels 

My Cats 

To start with English is not my mother tongue, so please forgive my spelling or grammar mistakes. My now ex-husband had a cat when we started dating

An adorable fluffy cat named Blondie

I was really fond of her and took care of her together with my now ex for over 5 years

She would lay on the bed with me and come to the front door when I or he came home

She was not fond at all of other animals in the house and became deaf during her last years. So my ex and me where busy arguing and trying to divorce

He let the cat stay at my place for 2 separate weeks while he was on vacation and even took her with him just for some hours while talking about the divorce

She loved my place

It smelled of mice and for her it seemed like paradise

Hunting mice, running around crazy. One day driving home from work he called in tears

He had to put Blondie to sleep

She had a tumor and was very bad

I drove like crazy to say goodbye to her

The next day she left this world. In the night my ex felt her on the bed..

Curling up like she always did

Around 3 am she made a very loud meow sound and left him

Around 3:30 am I was awoken by the feeling she climbed on my bed

She made her way under the covers and laid down fluffing herself

I saw the covers move where she was

I was happy she said goodbye

Around 4 am my ex called asking if Blondie had visited me

We were both amazed by this. So fast forward for at least 9 months

I now have another cat, called Pickwick aged 11 and she is crazy but fun

Never angry or acting scared. Then one night in June '13 I dreamed of Blondie and Pickwick fighting on my bed

There was hair flying around everywhere and in my dream Pickwick was angry with her tail thick

I woke up and saw what I dreamed was true

Except no Blondie

Pickwick was attacking the air in the corner where I dreamed Blondie was

I got angry and called out that this was Pickwick and that she needed to leave her alone

Pickwick needed a place to live, that I never would forget Blondie but that she had to move on

Within seconds all calmed down

Pickwick went to her normal size and looked normal again. 
